Ronald McDonald House Family Room at CHEO
The new Ronald McDonald House family room is located on the fifth floor of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). The family room is a secure area within the hospital providing a sanctuary for family members of CHEO patients. This project involved the interior fit-up of approximately 900 sq.ft (previously patient rooms and an office) to accommodate the new Family Room, a sanctuary for families. The space includes an accessible washroom with shower, kitchenette, quiet room, laundry facilities, and a fireplace/tv lounge. CSV worked with Interior Designer Anne Carlyle to provide this “home” in a hospital.
Sustainable features
High standards of indoor environmental quality are of utmost importance in hospital facilities therefore an increased level of care was taken in selection of furnishings, fixtures, and finishes. All finishes are low-VOC, non off-gassing, easy-to-clean, and durable.