Located at 10-14 Professor’s Walk, Theological Hall at Queen’s University is a historic building constructed in 1880. The 4-storey building contains both the School of Religion and the Depart- ment of Drama. In addition to offices and classrooms, the building contains several notable spaces including 2 large theatre spaces and an intimate chapel on the second floor. The heritage archi- tecture of the building has been beautifully preserved, notably the ceilings of the chapel and Con- vocation Hall. It is evident that care has been taken in previous interventions to keep the historic character of the building, and that future construction should follow this example.
Queen’s University Theological Hall
Scope of work
CSV Architects was engaged by Queens University to review conformity with applicable Codes in response to a Fire Inspection Order prepared by the City of Kingston’s Fire Inspector. CSV identi- fied deficiencies in building life safety where remediation was required to comply with the Ontario Fire Code (OFC) and Ontario Building Code (OBC) and proposed solutions. Recommendations on accessibility compliance and heritage conservation were also provided.
Compliance options were review with the building occupants to determine and minimize the im- pact on the operation of the building. Where possible, proposed changes improved the quality of the space, and to maintain the historic character of the original building.