NCC 7 Clarence
7 Clarence St. is a new two-storey building designed to replace an historic stone building popularly known as Memories Restaurant. Located in Byward Market, Ottawa, the site faces the 19th century commercial frontage of Clarence Street. The original building was demolished in 2015 due to significant structural issues. The design for the 3820 sq.ft replacement building was developed in close collaboration with the National Capital Commission and the public. The design draws from two influences - a cautious response to the massing and proportion of the older street-side buildings, and an appropriately bold addition to the well-loved courtyard system.
The ground floor walls have areas of cut ashlar stone salvaged from the former building. As limited quantities are available this was supplemented with similar stones. Limestone cladding, zinc sheet metal, and a mass timber structure recalls the economic and building traditions of the Byward Market area. Other cladding materials include smooth stone panels and back-painted patterned glass. This building is designed to be fully accessible with a grade level entrance, elevator and accessible washrooms.
Sustainable features
The NCC's extensive Environmental Strategy: "Building a Greener Capital" informed decisions made during the design and construction of this new building. CSV also used two methods of bird-friendly glass design to reduce the transparent glass throughout the building that causes injury to birds. The ground floor retail windows facing the pavement use a traditional bird-friendly design with white dots placed 10cm apart. An more innovative approach was used on the second floor, with a pattern inspired by the character of the original limestone from the earlier building on the site.